Showing posts with label DNA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNA. Show all posts

Seberapa Panjang DNA Yang Dimiliki Seorang Manusia Dewasa?

"If you uncoiled all the DNA in Your body and placed it end-to-end, it would be about 67 billion miles long. That’s more than 14 Times the distance between earth and Pluto".

MasyaAllah, Is that amazing?
Mungkin reference di atas kelihatanya agak “Lebay” Yuk,..kita coba hitung-hitung sendiri! Whole Genome 1 set kromosom manusia (23 Pasang): 300 M bp, Jumlah sel seorang manusia dewasa: ± 10 T, Jarak antar Base pair: ~3,4 Angstroms; 1 Angstroms: 0.00000000010 meter. Jadi kalkulasinya= x 300.000.000 x 3,4 x 0.00000000010 = meter (CMIIW). Make sense, Nukleotida sebegitu panjang.....di zip zip zip zip zip zip zip dan jadilah anda.
“Apakah mereka diciptakan tanpa sesuatupun, atukah mereka yang menciptakan (diri mereka sendiri)? Ataukah mereka telah menciptakan langit dan bumi itu? Sebenarnya mereka tidak meyakini (apa yang mereka katakan). Ataukah di sisi mereka ada perbendaharaan Robbmu atau merekakah yang berkuasa? (QS: Ath Thuur: 35-37)
Dan yang menarik lagi dari whole genome yang 300 Mbp di atas, ternyata baru 2% saja yang berhasil diidentifikasi fungsinya, sedangkan yang 98% masih unknown sequence. Sebagian ilmuwan memang menganggap Repetitive sequence tersebut dengan istilah "Junk DNA" tetapi penulis sendiri lebih prefer dengan istilah "Unknown sequence". Apakah Repetitive Sequence itu dalam kondisi tertentu (pengaruh mutasi atau pemendekan telomer) kemudian nanti berubah menjadi housekeeping genes? Dan apakah repetitive sequence itu sebenarnya encrypted sequence? Belum ada yang tahu. Jadi.... tidak usah jauh-jauh, pengetahuan kita,….tentang diri kita sendiri,…..ternyata masih sangat-sangat minim. Lantas,..untuk apa kita bersikap Jumawa?
"The more you know, the more you realize how much you dont know. The less you know, the more you think you know"
"...Dan tidaklah diberikan kepada mereka ilmu melainkan hanya sedikit" (Qs. Al-Israa': 85)
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Detection of Somaclonal Variation in Jatropha curcas Linn. Plantlets Regenerated from Somatic Embryo using ISSR Markers

Physic nut (Jatropha curcas Linn.) has the potential as a source of sustainable biofuels. Somatic embryo proliferation of J. curcas may cause somaclonal variations. This research aimed to investigate somaclonal variations of J. curcas somatic embryo derived-plantlet using ISSR markers. Somatic embryos of J. curcas at the globular phase were cultured on liquid MS medium supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg L-1 of 2,4-D. Parameter observed were embryos weight, embryos volume, colour, and size of embryos. After proliferation, the embryos were cultured on a germination medium until the cotyledonary phase. The plantlet’s leaves were used for DNA samples for ISSR analysis. The results showed that proliferation of J. curcas somatic embryos was optimal at MS medium supplemented with 1 mg L-1 2,4-D and produced the highest weight and volume of embryos. The furthest genetic distance occurred between the control and J. curcas plantlet which was regenerated from MS + 1 mg L-1 2,4-D which had 0.60 of similarity coefficient.

Rudiyanto, Efendi, D., Al-Hafiizh, E., & Ermayanti, T. M. (2021). DETEKSI VARIASI SOMAKLONAL PLANLET Jatropha curcas Linn. HASIL REGENERASI EMBRIO SOMATIK DENGAN MARKA MOLEKULAR ISSR. Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI)8(1), 14-24.
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Copyright (c) 2024 |Dr. Rudiyanto, SP., M.Si.|Associate Researcher at Research Center for Applied Botany BRIN, Indonesia